[ARRAY] Find Num which Appears Once
30 September, 2013 - 2 min read
Given an array of numbers, only one number appears once, others twice. Find the number.
If there's only 1 number appearing once, it's actually easier. just use xor. The duplicate values cancel out since their xor is 0
int unique_number(const vector<int>& a) {
int ans(0);
for (size_t i=0; i < a.size(); i++)
ans ^= a[i];
return ans;
Let the number which occurs only once in the array be x
x <- a[1]
for i <- 2 to n
x <- x ^ a[i]
return x
Since a ^ a = 0
and a ^ 0 = a
Numbers which occur in pair cancel out and the result gets stored in x
Working code in C++
#include <iostream>
template<typename T, size_t N>
size_t size(T(&a)[N])
return N;
int main()
int a [] = {1,2,3,4,3,1,2};
int x = a[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i< size(a) ; ++i)
x = x ^ a[i];
std::cout << x;
What if two numbers appear once, what if 500 numbers appear once. How to find these numbers.?
I think hashes are definitely needed. Thus you find all numbers appeared once in O(n) time. Some quick example below (in Ruby):
def find_single(ar)
num_hash = Hash.new(2)
ar.each do |n|
num_hash[n] -= 1
num_hash.delete(n) if num_hash[n] <= 0
return num_hash.keys